Things to do in Gran Canaria

Places for Stargazing in Tenerife

Look up, not down—you don’t want to miss some of the best stargazing opportunities in the whole world while you’re in Tenerife.

Time and again, the Canary Islands have been considered prime real estate for the best stargazing in the world, rivaled only by Chile and Hawaii. Whether you’re an avid stargazer, eager astronomer, or simply looking for unique things to do in Gran Canaria, appreciating views of the area's starry skies should top your list.

Grab your picnic blankets, telescopes, and maps of the night sky, and settle in. As you stare up into the inky darkness, you might see shooting stars and planets shimmering above. You may see the ethereal zodiacal light, an elusive phenomenon caused by diffused sunlight reflecting off interplanetary dust.

This truly awe-inspiring marvel is only visible when the night sky lacks moonlight or light pollution. Luckily, Tenerife and other vantage points in the Canary Islands offer the perfect setting to spot this celestial occurrence.

Teide National Park

Teide National Park offers some of the most amazing stargazing points in the Canary Islands. Pack up your telescope and star chart and prepare to be dazzled by countless stars and beautiful constellations clearer than you’ve ever seen.

The heart of this park is the massive Mount Teide, an imposing volcano towering nearly 4,000 m above the sea.

1. The Peak of Mount Guajara

Leave the light pollution behind and make the trek up Mount Guajara. Its peak is the highest point at which to see stars in Teide National Park, although it’s only the third-tallest peak in Tenerife.

Of course, these stellar views don’t come without a cost. Although you can drive to the base of the mountain, you have to hike your way up the summit by foot. Once you reach the top, the views are worth the effort.

Whether you stay for a few hours after dark or spend the night sleeping in the open air, you’ll be treated to unadulterated sky views. Without light pollution dimming the stars, you’ll feel like you can see forever.

Photographer: Sofía Olmedo

2. The Parador de Las Cañadas and Surroundings

Nestled at the base of Mount Teide, you’ll discover the Parador de Las Cañadas del Teide. This Parador offers lodging and dining with a dash of stargazing mixed in for an unforgettable time.

The mansion itself is over 2,000 m above sea level, promising unforgettable views on its own. What makes this location stand out is the weekly stargazing session led by astronomy instructors who are ready to answer your questions.

The Parador owns a few telescopes ready to use on these journeys, and the views are hard to beat. We recommend visiting in August, just in time for the stunning Perseids dazzling and streaking through the darkness.

3. Llano de Ucanca Vista Point

You don’t have to hike up to Mount Teide’s summit to get the best views of the unpolluted night sky. Drive to the foot of the TF-21 road, where you’ll get stellar mountain views and vast expanses of clear sky surrounding you. As the sun sets, you’ll be enveloped in darkness.

The Llano de Ucanca Vista Point is one of the most popular in the park. It’s so large that you won't feel like you’re sharing the space.

Photographer: Michal Mrozek

4. Mirador El Tabonal Negro

With Mount Teide behind you, you’ll find yourself gazing at the Guajara Mountains in the distance. Day or night, Mirador El Tabonal Negro is sure to leave you amazed. By day, as you prepare for your stargazing endeavors, you’ll see rugged, rocky terrain as far as the eye can see.

Darkness blankets the rocks at night, punctuated only by the stars above. Devoid of light pollution, the night sky becomes a canvas depicting what lies far beyond our atmosphere. Get out the telescope and see what you can find. If it’s a particularly clear night, expect to get some of the best views.

5. La Ruleta Vista Point

La Ruleta Vista Point is one of the most popular stargazing locations in the park. During the day, you’ll see some of the most amazing natural structures. From your vantage point, the Ucanca Plains stretch out with panoramic views. Rock formations, weathered with age and erosion, pierce the sky in rugged peaks.

When night falls, the stars come out to play. Arm yourself with a good pair of binoculars or a telescope for a celestial journey you’ll never forget.


As the heart of the island of Tenerife, Izaña offers some of the greatest stargazing opportunities. It's also home to one of the most important observatories in the world dedicated to viewing night skies.

6. The Teide Observatory

The observatory has pristine views and the perfect location. It's ideal for anyone looking to unearth the universe's secrets. While the observatory has primarily served as a vantage point to study the sun, it’s also full of equipment for nocturnal observations.. While the observatory has primarily served as a vantage point to study the sun, it’s also full of equipment for nocturnal observations.

Guided tours offer the rare chance to peer into space through long-range telescopes. On two Open Days per year, visitors can enter the observatory to explore the telescopes and learn how they’re used. However, private and group tours can be scheduled in advance if your trip doesn’t overlap with the Open Days.

Santiago del Teide

In the western part of Tenerife, you’ll find the municipality of Santiago del Teide. Although small, this charming town offers the perfect springing board to venture toward the Masca Viewpoint.

7. Masca Viewpoint

Explore the northwestern corner of Tenerife to discover wondrous night sky views. In Masca, you’ll find panoramic views of rugged lands and historic buildings. More importantly for stargazers, the nights are practically devoid of light pollution.

Veer toward the Viewpoint on Masca, where you’ll be perfectly poised to marvel at the stars. You’ll stand on what’s best described as a natural balcony, gazing at the clouds beyond the peaks.

Photographer: Hasmik Ghazaryan Olson

Santa Cruz de Tenerife

This port city in Tenerife bustles during the day. You’ll be perfectly poised to head to another great observatory on the island at night.

8. Roque de los Muchachos Observatory

You'll find another observatory at the edge of Taburiente National Park. The Roque de los Muchachos Observatory, with its pristine views, holds one of the largest collections of telescopes in the world.

Head over to the Visitor Centre. You’ll learn all about the work done at the observatory and why the location was strategically chosen for some of the most powerful telescopes in the world.

Private visits, led by starlight guides, allow you to explore the work done by astronomers. These tours only accommodate small groups during the day to avoid interrupting the nighttime work.

Occasional nighttime tours bring you nearby for stargazing. You can see galaxies and stars shimmering overhead from the vantage point atop the mountainous terrain.

Buenavista del Norte

On the northwest coast of Tenerife, Buenavista del Norte awaits with viewpoints that exceed expectations.

9. El Palmar Viewpoint

The stars gather at the El Palmar viewpoint, where you’ll venture into the rural northwestern corner of Tenerife. You’ll be far removed from cities and towns, meaning you don’t have to worry about lights dampening your stargazing excursion.

Arrive early for one of the most spectacular sunsets you’ll ever see. As the last rays of light fall beyond the horizon and the sky darkens, you’ll be treated to even more amazing sights. The Milky Way galaxy stretches across the darkness, offering a glimpse at something virtually impossible to see across most of the world.

Gran Canaria

You don’t have to limit your stargazing adventures to Tenerife. Hop on a ferry and head over to the neighboring island of Gran Canaria, where the stargazing opportunities are just as abundant.

In Gran Canaria, a phenomenon known as “panza de burro,” which means “donkey’s belly,” helps darken the sky if you get up to high enough elevations. The cloud cover around 500 m above sea level darkens the city lights many nights from April to August, resulting in ideal stargazing conditions.

Of all the things to do in Gran Canaria, taking a stargazing trip is one you won’t regret.

10. Presa de las Niñas

Translating to “Dam of the Girls,” the Presa de las Niñas sits around a man-made reservoir and abundant greenery. It’s surrounded by pine forests and hiking trails, where you can enjoy the natural beauty of Gran Canaria before the sun sets.

If you’re looking for somewhere to camp underneath the stars, this is a prime location, but you’ll need to seek permission—and a permit—first. Once you’re here, you’ll find free facilities such as toilets and barbecues.

11. Roque Nublo

Roque Nublo’s primary claim to fame is that it’s one of the largest natural crags in the world. It consists of 80 m of volcanic rock shooting into the sky and was once a place of worship for Aboriginal people. In 1987, it became a rural park and protected natural area, preserving its breathtaking terrain.

While it’s quite busy by day, it tends to slow down as night settles in. Only avid hikers who want to gaze at the starry skies stay out past sunset. Frequent guided hikes and stargazing tours set this geological marvel as the final destination.

Photographer: Abian_Valido

12. Camp the Garañón

Camp the Garañón provides the perfect opportunity to enjoy fresh air and sparkling stars. The campsite has over 20 wooden cabins and bunk beds, while the nearby Llanos de la Pez offers the chance to sleep outdoors.

These campsites are close enough to hike up to get the best views of the night sky, 1,700 m above sea level. For the best views, plan your trip in the early spring, when some of the most familiar constellations, such as Orion, Gemini, and Taurus, will be overhead.

13. Tamadaba Natural Park

Take your camping adventures to Tamadaba Natural Park, where you’ll venture into the heart of a vast Canarian pine forest and awe-inspiring cliffs overlooking the coast. Head in early for a day of hiking and exploring through untamed natural ecosystems.

After you’ve explored to your heart’s content, tuck in for a night of camping at the Llanos de la Mimbre campsite. Tents and caravans can set up shop for a night of unforgettable stargazing.

14. Pico de los Pozos Viewpoint

For those who venture up Gran Canaria’s highest peak in the island's center, the Pico de los Pozos viewpoint offers a stunning view above the cloud line. As you drive up, you’ll find a car park and a stone semicircle that overlooks the setting sun.

As darkness falls overhead, you'll be glad you made an effort to get there when some of the clearest views of the starry sky unfold all around you. If you’re looking for date ideas in Gran Canaria, you don’t want to miss this.

Photographer: Daniele Franchi

15. Mirador Presa de los Hornos

Surrounding Los Hornos Reservoir, nearly 1,600 meters above sea level, you’ll find the Mirador Presa de los Hornos. The greenery here is primarily young, replanted Canarian pine. The hiking trails lose their appeal at night as the stargazing opportunities abound.

16. Caldera Los Marteles Viewpoint

The distinctive Caldera Los Marteles Viewpoint’s unique rock formations result from a phreatomagmatic eruption caused by lava contacting moisture in the ground and exploding. While the views are exciting by day, they give way to the stars, planets, and other celestial bodies at night.

17. Fundación Canaria Observatorio de Temisas

A visit to the Fundación Canaria Observatorio de Temisas brings a new vantage point to stargazing. View the stars within an enclosed dome to shelter you from the cold winds commonplace in the highest locations of Gran Canaria.

While you’re here, you’ll get a laser-guided tour of the Milky Way and constellations provided by experts. The whole tour is a comprehensive stargazing activity, bringing the elegance and intrigue of the night sky. The entire event lasts around 90 minutes while you learn about the night sky over the Canary Islands.

Embracing the Cosmos With a Journey Through the Canary Islands' Night Skies

The Sky Act protects the skies above the Canary Islands, ensuring the region's astronomical observations remain uninterrupted. We like to think our shows in Gran Canaria rival the phenomenal stargazing opportunities of Tenerife and Gran Canaria.

You'll gasp in wonder as our performers leap and soar across the stage in their colorful costumes. We're stars of a different kind, and you can see us whenever you want, day or night. All you have to do is buy a ticket and take your seats. We'll do the rest.

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